
Thursday, 10 September 2015

borobudur temple

In Indonesian, ancient religious buildings called temples; temple term is also used more broadly to refer to all the ancient buildings dating from the Hindu-Buddhist in the archipelago, such as gates, gate, and petirtaan (pool and shower baths). The origin of the name Borobudur unclear, although it is the original name of most temples in Indonesia is not known.The name Borobudur was first written in the book "The History of Java" by Sir Thomas Raffles. Raffles wrote about a monument named borobudur, but no older document that mentions the exact same name. The only manuscript ancient Javanese give clues about the building of the Buddhist saint who might refer to Borobudur is Nagarakretagama, written by MPU Prapanca in 1365.

Bore-Budur name, which is then written Borobudur, probably written Raffles in English grammar to refer to the closest village to the temple, the village Bore (Boro); Most of the temple was often named after the village where the temple stood. Raffles also suspect that the term 'Budur' may be associated with the term Buda in the Java language, which means "ancient" - it means, "Boro ancient". However, other archaeologists believe that the name Budur derived from the term Bhudhāra which means mountain.

borobudur temple
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Bore-Budur name, which is then written Borobudur, probably written Raffles in English grammar to refer to the closest village to the temple, the village Bore (Boro); Most of the temple was often named after the village where the temple stood. Raffles also suspect that the term 'Budur' may be associated with the term Buda in the Java language, which means "ancient" - it means, "Boro ancient". However, other archaeologists believe that the name Budur derived from the term Bhudhāra which means mountain.

Many theories attempt to explain the name of this temple. One of them states that the name is probably derived from the word Sambharabhudhara, which means "mountain" (bhudara) where the slopes are located terraces. In addition there are several other folk etymology. Suppose Borobudur word derived from the words "the Buddha" is due to shift the sound becomes Borobudur. Another explanation is that the name comes from the two words "coal" and "beduhur". The word bara said to have originated from the monastery, while there are also other explanations where coal comes from Sanskrit which means temple or monastery and beduhur meaning is "high", or to remind the Balinese language means "above". So the point is a monastery dormitories were on high ground.Historian J.G. de Casparis in his dissertation for a doctorate in 1950 argued that Borobudur is a place of worship. Based on the inscriptions Karangtengah and Tri Tepusan, Casparis estimates Borobudur is the founder of a dynasty Mataram dynasty king named Samaratungga, doing construction around 824 AD The huge building will be completed at the time of her daughter, Queen Pramudawardhani. Borobudur construction is expected to take half a century. In the inscription Karangtengah also mentioned about the conferment of land sima (land tax free) by CRI Kahulunan (Pramudawardhani) to maintain Kamulan called Bhūmisambhāra.The term Kamulan itself comes from the word originally meaning a place origins, a sacred building to honor the ancestors, the possibilities ancestor of the Sailendra dynasty. Casparis estimates that Bhumi Sambhāra Bhudhāra in Sanskrit means "Hill set ten levels boddhisattwa virtue", is the original name of Borobudur.

news sources from wikipedia

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