
Thursday, 1 June 2017


Tebing Breksi merupakan sebuah kawasan bekas tambang yang terletak di Nglengkong, Groyokan, Sambirejo, Prambanan, Yogyakarta. Sejak puluhan tahun lalu kawasan ini merupakan ladang pencaharian para warganya. Sebagian besar penduduk sekitar bahkan sangat bergantung dari kegiatan menambang batu kapur.

Namun, sejak dua tahun lalu (2014) pemerintah melarang penambangan lagi di kawasan Tebing Breksi. Larangan pemda ini muncul, setelah sejumlah peneliti melakukan kajian. Hasilnya, batuan kapur breksi disana ternyata adalah endapan abu vulkanik dari Gunung Api Purba Nglanggeran. Maka, kawasan ini masuk dalam cagar budaya dan harus dilestarikan. Sama halnya dengan keberadaan Gunung Api Purba Nglanggeran, Candi Ijo, Situs Ratu Boko dan sebagainya.

Nah, setelah itu penduduk desa pun tak kehilangan akal untuk tetap mengembangkan potensi wisata Tebing Breksi. Sejak tahun lalu (2015), Tebing Breksi resmi menjadi tempat wisata, sekaligus cagar budaya dan bumi perkemahan yang diresmikan oleh Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X.

Semakin ke sini, Tebing Breksi menjadi populer dan hits di kalangan wisatawan. Nah, berikut ini 15 foto perubahan kondisi Tebing Breksi dari awal di kembangkan hingga sekarang.

Tebing Breksi tampak dari tempat parkir

panggung hiburan terbuka
relief naga di tebing breksi

tampak dari atas
Ini nih tips buat kamu yang pengen kesana:
# Kenakan alas kaki yang nyaman dan tidak licin, serta aman untuk lantai berbatu.
# Sebaiknya bekali juga dengan kamera yang memadai, dan sedikit perbekalan. Khususnya air minum.
# Jika ingin melewatkan siang, jangan sampai ketinggalan penutup kepala karena panasnya cukup terik. Tapi karena diatas angina cukup kencang, jangan lupa tutup kepala harus dalam posisi bertali.
# Fasilitas masih minim, belum ada kamar mandi, toilet, tempat sholat dan bahkan tempat sampah. Jadi ada baiknya pengunjung menyesuaikan dengan keadaan. Terlebih dalam hal membuang sampah. Supaya lingkungan tetap terjaga bersih.

Tiket Masuk:
Gratis. Hanya perlu tiket parker Rp 2.000. (harga sewaktu-waktu bisa berubah0

# Saat liburan, Minggu dan Sabtu, pengunjung biasanya lebih ramai. Sehingga yang ingin leluasa menikmati Tebing Breksi ada baiknya memilih hari lain supaya lebih nyaman.
# Saat ini, jalan menuju puncak bukit masih setapak. Sehingga disarankan pengunjung ekstra hati-hati. Semoga ke depannya jalan ke puncak lebih aman dan baik, karena masih dalam pengembangan oleh warga sekitar.
# Secara umum kawasan ini aman. Warga sekitar cukup peduli, sehingga saat ramai mereka akan berdatangan untuk ikut memantau situasi dan keamanan
# Hampir setiap hari ada wisata otomotif, terutama off road.
# Kedepan akan disiapkan lokasi wisata outbond.

sekian post dari saya, sekedar untuk mengisi liburan kalian guys.......

Saturday, 12 September 2015

tour embung nglanggeran

Hundreds of tourists, young and old meet in the village hills Nglanggeran, District Patuk, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. In the culmination of the sun, scorching heat does not eliminate the spirit of tourists to enjoy one of the leading attractions in the village surrounded by karst or limestone rock this. A leading tourist attraction is a water storage pond located on a hill named Embung Nglanggeran. 

KompasTravel last month also belong to the hundreds of tourists who come to Embung Nglanggeran. In the morning, around 07.00 am, KompasTravel together with crew-members of the media from Jakarta departing from a centrally located hotel in the area Corner Beteng Wetan, Yogyakarta towards Gunung Kidul. In the midst of that attack sleepiness in the morning, we immediately rushed to the area which is known for drought.
tour embung nglanggeran
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tour embung nglanggeran
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After a road snaking towards Wonosari, we arrived at around 09.00 am at the point of entrance Nglanggeran. Previously, we had to stop by the entrance of a tourist attraction Ancient Volcano Nglanggeran to ask the point of entry. Then, by parking attendants tourist attraction we were directed towards a road that cut through the hill to the left of the road. Streets where little rocky and sandy. 

We were at the waist ancient volcano before arriving at Nglanggeran. To the left of the road, big rocks towering. On the right road, cliff ready to swallow if the car is not running smoothly. The car was berlaju slowly. About 15 minutes seeked in the shadow of the cliffs, we arrive at the foot Embung Nglanggeran. 

From where KompasTravel standing, looks ancient volcanoes are lined up. On the other hand, the tourists who began to climb the stairs to reach the reservoir that is located on a hilltop. In addition, there is also the expanse of fruit trees like durian and longan. The contours of hills in the tourist attraction Nglanggeran utilized by lovers of extreme sports on a mountain bike.

The day wore on, KompasTravel try to climb to the top of the hill and saw Embung Nglanggeran. Leg began to climb the stairs were deliberately designed to facilitate. We started walking on stairs at 11:30 pm in the middle of the scorching sun exposure. There are only a few coconut trees which protect. But there is also the fruit of simple huts that can be used to rest. 
On the way there is a black inscription inauguration Embung Nglanggeran autographed gold color lane Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. Around the inscription there is a replica durian and longan were made by casted. In addition, the body of the hill also seen an inscription "Welcome Orchard Nglanggeran". After 10 minutes of walking, we arrived at the edge of the reservoir. 
Turquoise water refreshing eye on the hilltop. From the top of the hill, we could see the expanse of fruit plantations, ancient volcanoes, and also foot reservoir filled by hundreds of tourists. KompasTravel trying to climb up the hill to get the numb side of the reservoir. On top of the hill, there is a camping area that can be used. In the other corner there limestone rocks and benches that can be used to sit under the trees.
embung nglanggeran tour
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If you come during the day, do not have to worry about exposure to heat at the edge of the reservoir. On the edge of the reservoir, there are four huts that can be used to take shelter. One of the huts provide food and soft drinks for the visitors. Looking for a toilet, two toilets available that can be used. Around ponds, also has installed a security fence to prevent the tourists fell into the reservoir. 

Head of Tourism Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) said that Embung Nglanggeran was inaugurated in February 2013. The creation of this reservoir, said Aris, a way to hold water for irrigating fruit plantations. Sri Hamengkubuwono opened and inaugurated on February 19, 2013 under the name "Orchard Nglanggeran" because it is projected as an orchard. However, because famous reservoir on top of the hill, he added, this is precisely the place known by the name Embung Nglanggeran. 
From the information board in the tourist area Nglanggeran explains that mini reservoirs or ponds emerged as an effort to support tourism activities in the Tourism Village Ecotourism Nglanggeran or Ancient Volcano region. Previous Travel Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) and Bapeda DIY and Gunung Kidul along with other office holders do a survey first in 2011. 
At first, there are two places that are proposed to be reservoir Pendem Mountain Regions and Mountain Gandu. After various considerations such as the height that allows for irrigation by gravity systems, the chosen area of ​​Mount Gandu. 
The existence of this reservoir serves as irrigation, namely longan orchard. Selection as durian and longan fruit crops in Nglanggeran not without reason. High economic value, has grown and developed well be the reason. Embung Nglanggeran present as a solution to collect rain water in order to irrigate fruit plantations in the dry season comes.

source: kompas travel

Friday, 11 September 2015

tour kawah biru tinggi raja

"Miracle" is how the community around the crater travel Kawah Biru Tinggi Raja, Simelungun. Being in the middle of the jungle, there is a separate area of ​​blue sulfur. Flat ground initially slumped to create a depth of almost 10 meters.

Now these areas frequented by tourists and curious to see the crater that has a bright blue color, like looking at the sky, with no water stains iota. Pernando, guides and local people said that the magic of the blue crater moved.
Land which was originally flat and has a green tree, suddenly dry and make holes for a deep pool by itself. "In the past the crater is here (next time blue crater is now located). Every few years he moved, but still about 167 hectares of forest area," said Pernando.
He said, the unique blue crater also has Bukit Kapur are also commonly referred to by some in the Snow Heat. "Bukit Kapur hot water flowing from the fountain of sulfur that is above that hill," he said.
While this Mirwan, neighbors said, visitors who come not only local but also foreign tourists. Travelers most crowded on Sunday and came from various cities and countries.
"Bule much coming and usually all visitors must sign in using the guide from the surrounding area, as the crater area of ​​blue in the middle of the woods," he said.
source: kompas medan

Derawan Islands in Berau

Outermost small islands in East Kalimantan has many stunning natural richness. Derawan Islands in Berau, with the main island Maratua, Derawan, Charitable, and Kakaban, for example, qualify as world-class marine tourism destination. If tourism is managed properly there could definitely be a "Bali" second.
It was announced by the Director General of Marine Coastal and Small Islands Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) Sudirman Saad in the National Workshop on Management of Small Island Outer and book Encyclopedia of Popular Small Islands Archipelago: East Kalimantan Nusa at Home archipelago Tuesday (08.18.2015), at a District official residence.

derawan islands
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derawan islands tour
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The book tells the small islands in the outermost region of East Kalimantan, the following potential, also its history. CTF book compiled and published Compass Book Publishers is a book Encyclopedia of Popular 17th on small islands, which was launched since 2013.
Besides Sudirman, other speakers are Deputy Assistant 3 / IV National Defence Coordination Border Region and Spatial Defense Kemenkopolhukam Brigadier General Ahmad Supriyadi, Professor of Mulawarman Ahmad Syafei Sidik, from the Department of Hydro-Oceanographic Navy Marine Colonel Haris Djoko Nugroho, a District Makmur HAPK, Head of Regional Development Planning Agency Kaltim Rusmadi, as well as Professor of Bogor Agricultural Dietrich G Bengen and Syamsul Maarif.
"I think in five years, Maratua and the islands surrounding it could be a 'Bali' second. If the later service Maratua opened, it only took 3 hours on a plane from Jakarta to Maratua, "said Sudirman. Derawan, Kakaban, Charitable and adjacent Maratua.

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Derawan Islands underwater is a "paradise" for divers. Many cite, in Indonesia, the charm of the islands underwater just lost to Raja Ampat. In Kakaban, coral islands covering an area of ​​5 square kilometers, lies Lake Kakaban area of ​​390 hectares inhabited by four species of jellyfish without the sting. Besides Kakaban, jellyfish without the sting was only found on the island of Palau, Micronesia in the Pacific Ocean.
The island is not inhabited Charitable turtle conservation. Every night, dozens of turtles to lay their eggs in the sand rises Charitable Beach. Derawan also lay dots beautiful dives. As for Maratua, the island's population of 3,500 inhabitants, its waters are dotted dive to see manta rays.
Dietrich said the common obstacles in the development of marine tourism in small islands is limited accessibility. However, when it was later resolved, equally important is what is presented, for example, culinary and packaging.
"Do not, for example, tourists to the small islands only see pithik Iwak menu (chicken), Iwak endhog (eggs). That's what I still find. Supposedly culinary, yes, fresh seafood. Make innovative, such as people fishing and then cooked, "said Dietrich.
Makmur said, it's time outermost small islands whose waters bordering other countries considered in all respects. The entry of "uninvited guests", which is 600 more boat people (Bajo) of Malaysia and the Philippines, are flocking to Derawan Islands, last November, is not repeated.
Syamsul Maarif said, one of the weaknesses of the management of marine tourism in Indonesia is a bureaucracy that has not been thought importance of public entrepreneurship. It is characterized among other things by innovation, creative, proactive, and orientation of the public.
Deputy Managing Editor of Kompas Daily Tri Agung Kris said, many people do not know about the outermost small islands, much less interesting stories behind them. For example, the Lungsurannaga Island legend tells of a dragon sheds its skin before facing large estuarine crocodile.
source: harian kompas

tour kalibiru kulonprogo yogyakarta

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Director of PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan and Ratu Boko hope concept Great Yogyakarta is expected to attract tourists. One with the Great Yogyakarta tour packages are offered to the tourists.He said that the concept of Great Yogyakarta should be considered as a single entity. He reasoned with Borobudur temple as a magnet, the three regions, namely Central Java, Yogyakarta and Solo can be affected by the impact of tourist visits.
tour kalibiru kulonprogo yogyakarta
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"We've got a common vision in developing tourism. According to the tourism department launched Yogyakarta. The focus Borobudur as a magnet," he said. Lailly explain the direction of the development of culture, namely Borobudur Temple as an attraction for tourists. He positioned the Borobudur as a "Center of Knowledge" for the tourists so that a longer stay around Borobudur."If (tourists) like Borobudur days later could stay. I myself learned two years has not been completed," he said.Earlier, Lailly said the target of the visit Borobudur in 2015 was 3.6 million. He also said that until the middle of 2015, approximately 240 thousand tourists visit the Park Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java.

news sources from kompastravel